Teaching (2022/2023)
During the current academic year, we are teaching:
MAT 5314 - Optimal Transport and Machine Learning (Fall term)
CHM 4390A - Introduction to Machine Learning for Chemistry (Winter term, with Prof. F. Gentile)
as well as members of our group serves as Teaching Assistant for the following courses:
MAT1341 A03 - Introduction to Linear Algebra (DGD, N. Monina)
MAT1320 A03 - Calculus I (DGD, N. Monina)
MAT1308 A01 - Introduction to Calculus I (DGD, N. Monina)
MAT1341 F04 - Introduction to Linear Algebra (DGD, D. Evdokimov)
MAT1320 G - Calculus I (Marking, P. Pelikh)
MAT1321 A - Intensive Calculus I (Marking, N. Monina)
MAT1320 - Calculus I (Marking, P. Pelikh)
MAT1329 - Intensive Mathematical Methods I (Marking, P. Pelikh)
MAT1327 - Intensive Calculus For Life Sciences (Marking, P. Pelikh)
MAT1318 - Functions (Marking, P. Pelikh)
Past Courses
BSc in Chemistry Course (2019) |
BSc Course (2019) Ph.D. course, taught together with Prof. Michael Seidl (2018) |
Calculus I (Biology, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015) |
Ph.D. Course: Teoria Espectral (Spectral Theory) |
Licence 3: Théorie de la Measure et Integration (Measure Theory) |
Undergraduate course: Differential and Integral Calculus |
A Brief introduction to Density Functional Theory
OT meets DFT Workshop (Jyväskylä, Finland)
Geometric Measure Theory
3rd EIAGIME (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
A semi-classical inverse problem for Schrödinger operators
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
An-Najah Math Students Workshop (Nablus, Palestine)