Research Oportunities

to Undergraduate and Master students 

Canada Research Chairs | University of Ottawa| 

Our list of interesting research ideas to explore (in the waiting list because of our limited time) is growing exponentially. For this reason, Master & Bachelor Projects in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science are always available. Feel free to make an appointment with any of the staff members to discuss the different possibilities, which span from more formal 'pen&paper' projects to programming and testing new ideas.

Some project ideas

- Understanding atoms and molecules form a mathematical and computational viewpoint.
- Computational Optimal Transport.
- [Advanced] Evolution problems for particle systems.
Computational Chemistry
- The Strictly-Correlated Electron (SCE) approach in Density Functional Theory (DFT).
- IR Spectrum Comparison and Identification.
- Dispersion Interactions in Density Functional Theory.
Machine Learning
- An Introduction to Normalizing Flows.
- Generative Adversarial Neural Networks.
- Solving many-electronic systems with deep neural networks.

Programs at uOttawa

- Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) - Scholarship
- For Canadians, please also check out NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards.